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Crowdfunding for debt-free tertiary education

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Feenix was launched in June 2017 as a response to the #FeesMustFall movement that spread across campuses in South Africa during 2015 and 2016. This movement highlighted the extremely high cost of tertiary education and the impact financial stress has on student success rates.

Feenix is an online fundraising platform that connects communities; providing a tool for students to formalize their fundraising efforts and a channel for funders to find students they wish to support.

The Feenix team is young, diverse and passionate about education. The team believes that access to education should not be dependent on wealth. Feenix’s founding partner, Standard Bank, shares in this belief and without their financial support and guidance, Feenix would not be in existence today.

It has been a highlight to work with the Feenix team over the last year. We have focused on linking Feenix operations with the B-BBEE Codes, taking into account the amendments to the Codes in 2019. Some of this work is outlined in an article published on Bizcommunity “Revised B-BBEE Codes Of Good Practice A Win For Higher Education.”

Feenix Rising – The Students of South Africa: Tatum

Feenix Rising – Ntombi’s Journey

Student Profile – Nyakallo Toko

Our Recent Impact

GWF Graduation Celebration of Hope

In a year full of uncertainty and anxiety, attending the GWF Facilitator Graduation was an absoloute joy. Even with all Covid restrictions, including no refreshments and only one guest per

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